Rack Mounted PLC Splitter

The PLC splitter is used to separate or combine optical signals. A PLC is a micro-optical component based on planar lightwave circuit technology and provides a low-cost light distribution solution with the small form factor and high reliability. 

Rackmount Splitter is manufactured using silica glass waveguide circuits that are aligned with a v-groove fiber array chip that uses ribbon fiber. Once everything is aligned and bonded, it is then packaged inside a miniature housing. PLC splitter has high-quality performance, such as low insertion loss, low PDL, high return loss, etc.

Suitable for multiple operating wavelengths (1260nm – 1650nm); unstinted.
Equal splitter ratios for all branches.
Compact configuration; smaller size; small occupation space.
Good stability across all ratios.

High quality; low failure rate.

Contact Person: Marx Fung



Address: No.20 Chuangxin East Road, Liyang Town, Ninghai,Ningbo,Zhejiang

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